Recommended Reading List for Non-Masons

We strongly recommend to only consume materials regarding Freemasonry that are approved and recommended by Masonry 101. The reason is simple – we want to avoid wrong information AND more importantly defend the candidates from any information that might potentially spoil their initiatic experience.

WARNING: Please keep in mind that a lot of these writings were penned down a long time ago and were written in a different style that might not be as easily digestible by today’s standards. More importantly, some of the information contained herein might not be in line with today’s morals or standards. Please take these writings in the historical context that they were provided, and anything that might be deemed questionable or offensive by today’s standards should be viewed in that context.

There is a lot of misinformation available on the internet that are deliberately aimed at slandering Freemasonry. Please be cautious with searching on social media, search engines, or YouTube.

Here are some good books to read before joining a lodge, in no particular order:

1) “Freemasonry for Dummies” by Christopher Hoddap

In spite of the name this is one of the best books to provide general information about Freemasonry. It is written by a very learned brother and has been updated several times.

2) “Complete Idiot’s Guide to Freemasonry” by Brent S. Morris

Similar to the previous book, this is also written by a very renowned masonic scholar. It offers great general information about the craft.

3) “Meditations” by Marcus Aurelius

Great philosophical text that is easily accessible even to non-philosophy majors.

4) “Philosophy 101” by Paul Kleinmann

Freemasonry has many philosophical underpinnings, and to get a basic knowledge can only be helpful.

5) “Secret Teachings of All Ages” by Manly P. Hall

Keep in mind that Manly P. Hall wrote this tome before he became a mason and some of the information regarding Freemasonry might not be absolutely accurate. Nevertheless, it contains many of the underpinnings of Freemasonry and is a solid basis upon which to rear your future Masonic edifice. Other information is just interesting to show some of the ancient knowledge that was available in the past, but has since become outdated.

6) “Age of Enlightenment” by Captivating History

Freemasonry as an organized fraternity is a product of the enlightenment era. If you are interested in its historical roots, this would be a good starting point.

7) “The Art of Virtue” by Benjamin Franklin

Brother Franklin was a prolific writer, and this is one of the  general texts that explains some of this insights into timeless philosophy.

8) “The Craft” by John Dickie

Interesting read by a non-mason that delves into the history of Freemasonry.

9) “King James Bible”

Since many of the lessons of Freemasonry are based on the old testament, it is recommended to read the bible to get a better understanding. Even non-christians would benefit from reading the bible if they are interested in joining the fraternity.

10) “Religions of the World Explained” by Patricia Busque

Freemasonry is open to men of all religions. Understanding some of the similarities and differences between the world religions can be very helpful to break down the barriers that might otherwise keep people at a perpetual distance.

11) Any other religious texts that might be related to your own personal background. Be it the Quran, the Torah, the Bhagavad Gita, the Adi Granth, or the  Sutras, or anything else that might be applicable. Getting a more solid understanding will be helpful for you personally and for your masonic journey to come.

Final Note – Do not read “Morals and Dogma” by Albert Pike. This book is about the 29 degrees of the Scottish Rite. It is simply too advanced to be helpful and would cause confusion to anyone who has not progressed through the degrees of this particular appendant body. The version that is often available in used book stores is the old version that is lacking the annotations that provides the necessary context. Finally, it would reveal information that might spoil your enjoyment of these progressive degrees.

Masonic Aprons

The most iconic and recognizable piece of apparel that Masons wear is the Apron. Some are very basic, white aprons, others are hand-painted ornamented ones. Officers have special aprons with symbols that indicate the office that they hold. Every mason cherishes their apron and remembers fondly the day they received their first apron.

The white leather apron represents the purity and innocence that the Mason is expected to pursue throughout his life.

The Masonic apron is perhaps the greatest symbol of Masonic tradition and history, serving as a reminder to every Mason their commitment to uphold the values of the Craft. When the fraternity was established in the 1700s, the founders adopted the tools and traditions of stonemasons, among them the protective aprons they wore as they worked. Masonic aprons have been based on these utilitarian aprons, over time coming to symbolize a Freemason’s labor of building their lives at spiritual temples.

“According to one researcher, the original aprons worn by operative masons were made of leather and large enough to cover the wearer from chest to ankles. It wasn’t until the 18th century that the modern, smaller textile aprons came into use. As Freemasonry grew, individuals began to adorn their aprons with symbols of the Craft and ornate ribbons. Over time, the apron evolved from the utilitarian garment of the stonemasons to the symbolic garment worn by Freemasons.”

Scottish Rite NMJ, What is a Masonic Apron <>

Clandestine Lodges

Clandestine Freemasonry refers to Masons who are not regular or recognized by the Mainstream Masonic Grand Lodge in whose jurisdiction they reside. Grand Lodges In the United States generally claim jurisdiction over the entire state that they belong to. For example the Grand Lodge of Texas is the highest masonic authority in the state of Texas, however, any mainstream regular blue lodge that is located in any other state or country would not belong to this particular Grand Lodge. To verify if a particular lodge belongs to one of the recognized Grand Lodges, please check on the type of masonic lodge it is. This can be done by looking at the type of lodge that it is. For example, in Texas local lodges have the A.F.&A.M. destination in their names. Other jurisdictions might be called F.&A.M. or F.A.A.M..

To see a list of recognized Grand Lodges please check out this link. Most of these recognize and are in amity with each other:

Reasons to join Freemasonry

There are many good reasons to become a Freemason. All of these are very personal and there are as many reasons as there are Masons. Each one has their own story on how and why they joined.

Some of the more common reasons include:

1) Family History

Many Masons have family members who were Freemasons before them. They have fathers, grandfathers, or uncles who had joined a local lodge. Even though there is no requirement to have a family member to be able to join, being a family legacy can be exciting.

2) Love for History

Freemasonry has included in its ranks some of the most influential men in history. Some of the more famous names include George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Mozart, Winston Churchill, Louis Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin. Masons were involved in many important points in history including the founding of the USA, Texas and the French Revolution.

3) Fraternity

Meet men from many different backgrounds, including nationalities, ethnicities, social, educational, religious, sexual orientation, political. Get to know people that you might have otherwise been at a perpetual distance, and become friends and brothers. This is an international fraternity that allows for travel and being welcomed with open arms as a long-lost member of the family.

4) Charity

US Masons donate an average of $2.6 Million / Day to charity. That includes local lodges, Grand Lodges, and the appendant bodies including the Scottish Rite and the Shriners. Additionally lodges allow for members to become involved in charitable events such as serving food to first responders, cleaning highways and local parks, supporting teachers and public education. The opportunities are as countless as the individual lodges and masons that are involved.

5) Philosophy

Learn about philosophy, history, and comparative religions. Freemasonry is composed of many different philosophies and uses symbolism to teach these meaningful lessons to its members in an easy to understand method.

6) Personal Growth

Learn vital leadership skills by becoming involved in a lodge. There are lots of opportunities to become involved, including the officer line, kitchen, or acting in degrees. Freemasonry takes good men and makes them better.

7) Community Involvement

Get to know members of your local community and become actively engaged in the social and civic opportunities. Meet long-time locals and give back to the town by becoming involved in charitable events.

Reasons NOT to join freemasonry

Freemasonry is not a good fit for everyone. Nor is everyone a good fit for freemasonry.
There are many good reasons to become a freemason. But there are also some reasons not to do so.

Joining a masonic lodge when one is not compatible, is not good for either the candidate nor the lodge.

Here are some reasons NOT to join a lodge:

1) You are looking for business contacts

Even though you might find new contacts through the expanded network that you will join, this would not be a good reason to become a mason. There are no special discounts for fellow masons. It is generally frowned down upon to use the fraternity as a method to gain financially. Furthermore, the members of the lodge come from all backgrounds. One is just as likely to meet students, grocery store clerks, bank tellers, or car mechanics as one is to meet doctors, lawyers, professors, CEO’s or politicians.

Instead: join the Rotary Club – it is a worldwide service organization for men and women that brings together businessmen and professionals. They encourage conducting business in an ethical manner to serve their community. Their motto is: Service above Self. 

2) You are looking for a social club

If you are looking for an opportunity to hang out and simply socialize, then freemasonry might not be your best option. Even though we are a fraternity and enjoy spending time with our brothers, there are many additional requirements such as the educational and service components. If you are not interested in working to improve yourself or help the lodge, then there are better options.

Instead: join the Order of the Elks, or any of the many clubs organized around interests and activities such as fan clubs for sports teams, tailgating at a local high school or university, or a book club.

3) You are an atheist

Sorry, that is a hard no. In order to become a Freemason in the USA one has to profess a believe in deity. That does not mean belonging to an organized religion or church. But the candidate must in clear conscience be able to state, without question, that he believes in a higher power. 

4) You believe in the conspiracy theories

If you believe in the conspiracy theories about Freemasons, such as that masons are lizard people, run the world, drink blood, or any similar stories, then lodges are really not the place for you to go. Even if we would engage with you and explain the multitude of reasons why these theories are simply untrue, you would not believe us, and think that we would either lie to you or not be high enough in the ranks to know the truth.

Instead: enjoy Q-anon or Alex Jones. ‘Nuf said.

5) You are uncomfortable to be amongst people different from yourself

Freemasonry invites people of good character, regardless of their nationality, economic status,  profession, religious belief, political affiliation, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or age. Masons might differ in their ideas and backgrounds, but are united in a common cause. They might have spirited debates with their brethren outside of lodge, but always know that these difference in opinion are not to be considered personal attacks. The members understand the underlying goodness in character of the other mason and any disagreements will not be held as a personal affront.

If you are uncomfortable in the presence of people who might look different from yourself, or have different opinions and believes, then Freemasonry would not be a good fit. 

Masonic Gavel

The Masonic Gavel is used by the three highest officers of the lodge while conducting business in a tiled lodge meeting. That includes the Worshipful Master, Senior and Junior Wardens. The Gavels are symbols of their office and used to indicate when something has concluded or even to get the brethren’s attention. The Gavel is used to maintain order during a Masonic meeting.

Operative Stonemasons used gavels to shape stones in order to fit them into place more perfectly. Freemasons use gavels as a symbol to remind them of the

There are two types of gavels commonly used in Freemasonry. The common gavel, and the setting maul. The common gavel has a flat end and a shaped end. It is used by stonemasons to break off large chunks of detritus as well as smaller pieces to smooth out the final parts of stone. The setting maul has a heavy flat bottom with a single handle on top. It is used by stonemasons to hammer in the stone and set it into place without damaging the surfaces of the stones themselves.

Some Masonic districts have created a program commonly called the “Traveling Gavel”. It is done to encourage Masonic visitations. This specially engraved gavel is proudly displayed whenever a lodge that has won it, opens a meeting. When another lodge does an official visit during a stated meeting, and has more members than the hosting lodge, then the visitors will win the gavel.

More info:

Brotherly Love

Brotherly Love is one of the principal tenants of Freemasonry.

The Monitor of the Grand Lodge of Texas teaches us that “by the exercise of brotherly love, we are taught to regard the whole human species as one family – the high and low, the rich and poor; who, as created by one Almighty Parent, and inhabitants of the same planet, are to aid, support and protect each other. On this principle, Masonry unites men of every country, sect and opinion, and conciliates true friendship among those who might otherwise have remained at perpetual distance.”

It teaches us respect and tolerance for people who have differing opinions, believes and ideals. We believe in the best of intentions of our fellow men. Brotherly Love reminds us to be courteous, kind, compassionate and friendly towards all mankind, more especially a Brother Mason.

However, this tenant does not mean that we must like each and every brother, We can have feelings of personal dislike, but we must not let those feelings overcome us and prevent us from growing into the best person that we can be.

Famous Masons – Musicians

Freemasonry inspired many people over the centuries. Some of the most influential musicians of their times, whose works have lasting impact to this day, were members of the fraternity. Here are some of the more well known ones.

Franz Joseph Haydn
1732 – 1809
Was initiated in February 1785 in “Zur wahren Eintracht” Lodge in Vienna, Austria.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
1756 – 1791
Was initiated on December 14, 1784 in “Zur Wohltätigkeit” Lodge in Vienna, Austria

Ludwig van Beethoven
1770 – 1827
It is generally accepted that he was a Freemason, but the evidence of when he was initiated and what lodge he joined has been lost.

Felix Mendelssohn
1809 – 1847
There is no specific evidence that he ever joined the fraternity.

Franz Liszt
1811 – 1886
Was initiated in 1841 at “Zur Einigkeit” Lodge in Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

Johannes Brahms
1833 – 1897
There is no specific evidence that he ever joined the fraternity.

Gilbert and Sullivan

Sir William Schwenck Gilbert
1836 – 1911
Was raised on June 23, 1871 in St. Machar Lodge No. 54 in Aberdeen, Scotland.

Sir Arthur Seymour Sullivan
1842 – 1900
Was raised on January 30, 1866 in Harmony Lodge No. 255 in Richmond, England.

John Philip Sousa
1854 – 1932
Was raised on 10 November 1881 at Hiram Lodge No. 10, Washington D.C.

Giacomo Puccini
1858 – 1924

Gustav Mahler
1860 – 1911

Jean Sibelius
1865 – 1957
Was a member of Soumi Lodge, No.1 in Helsinki, Finland.

Irving Berlin
1888 – 1989
Was raised on June 3, 1910 in Munn Lodge No. 190 in New York, New York.

Duke Ellington
1899 – 1974
Was a member of Social Lodge No. 1 PHA in Washington D.C.

Louis “Satchmo” Armstrong
1901 – 1971
Was a member of Montgomery Lodge No.18 PHA in New York, New York.

Count Basie
1904 – 1984
Was a member of Medina Lodge No. 19 PHA in New York, New York.

Nat King Cole
1919 – 1965
Was a member of Thomas Waller Lodge No. 49 PHA in Los Angeles, California.

John Entwhistle (The Who)
1944 – 2002
Was a member of Ezekiel Bates Lodge, Attleboro, Massachusetts.

Rick Wakeman (Yes)
Born 1949
He is a Past Master of Chelsea Lodge No. 3098 E.C. in London, England.

Phil Collins (Genesis)
Born 1951
There is no specific evidence that he ever joined the fraternity.

Mel Gaynor and Derek Forbes (Simple Minds)
Both are members of Shalom Lodge No.1600, Glasgow, Scotland.

Marshall Goodman (Sublime)
Born 1971
Was initiated in 2015 at Lakewood Lodge No. 728 in Long Beach, California.

Brad Paisley
Born 1972
Is a member of Hiram Lodge No. 7 in Franklin, Tennessee.

Tom DeLonge (Blink 182)
Born 1975
Is a member of Widow’s Sons Lodge No. 17 PHA in Kansas City, Missouri.

Apathy (Hip Hop)
Born 1979
He is a member of Coastal Lodge No. 57 in Stonington, Connecticut.

John the Baptist

St John the Baptist was a traveling preacher who lived in the Jordan River Valley in the first century A.D. According to the New Testament John was a Jewish prophet who preached the imminence of God’s Final Judgment and baptized those who repented in self-preparation for it. He is revered in the Christian church as the forerunner of Jesus Christ. After a period of desert solitude, John the Baptist emerged as a prophet in the region of the lower Jordan River valley. He had a circle of disciples, and Jesus was among the recipients of his rite of baptism.

His austere camel’s hair garment was the traditional garb of the prophets, and his diet of locusts and wild honey represented a strict adherence to Jewish purity laws.

Later in his life he as imprisoned by King Herod and was executed by beheading around 28-36 CE.

He is considered a major religious figure by many religions including Christianity, Islam, Baha’i Faith, Druze Faith, Madaeism and Gnosticism.

Freemasons hold St John’s Day in high regard and abstain from conducting Masonic business on these days. It is celebrated on June 24, the Summer Solstice or the longest day of the year. He represents severity and strength of character.

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Volume of Sacred Law

The Volume of Sacred Law, or VSL for short, is what Freemasons call the religious text that is used in their ceremonies and traditionally placed onto their altar while the lodge is in session. In predominantly Christian areas such as the USA, it is most common to display the King James Bible. This is the same sacred text that candidates take their obligations upon.

If a lodge has members of different faiths it is often common to display multiple books upon the altar, to represent each member. The most common books of faiths besides the Christian bible are the Muslim Qur’an, the Hindu Bhagavad Gita, the Buddhist Discourses, the Jewish Tanakh, and the Sikh Granth Sahib. Generally Grand Lodges consider a text as permissible if it represents sacred teachings to the Mason. However, that is entirely jurisdictional.

One of the most notable individual VSL is the George Washington Inaugural Bible. It belongs to St. John’s Lodge No. 1 in New York City and has been used at its meetings since 1767. It is famous, however, for being the Bible used at the first inauguration of George Washington as President of the United States, and numerous presidents since then.

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